All-Natural Turkey Tenderloins
All-Natural Turkey Tenderloins
Stonewood Farm in Vermont
All-Natural Turkey Tenderloins
All-Natural Turkey Tenderloins
Each package is 1-1.3 lbs
Serves 3-4
Are you ready for something special? You're going to love these succulent turkey tenderloins from our friends at Stonewood Family Farm in Vermont. (We did and we do!) The tenderloin is a long, thin strip of meat located underneath the turkey breast, on the inside of the bird. It is relatively lean, very tender and juicy. Salt and pepper or light seasoning is all you really need. Don’t want to mask that delicious flavor.
The Stone family raises their turkeys with plenty of fresh Vermont air, cool temps, best quality feed and good old TLC, without antibiotics or hormones. These high standards make for wholesome and delicious turkey meat and reflect our commitment to "meat you can trust."
We enjoy these turkey tenderloins simply pan sautéed and plated with our favorite sides, poached and cut into bite-sized pieces and added to salads, or coated with panko and baked in the oven or air-fried.

A True Family Farm
A Note From Farmer Dan