Why I wake up every day more motivated than the day before - Heartstone Farm

Why I wake up every day more motivated than the day before

By Farmer Dan

Every day I wake up more motivated than the day before. That might sound a little strange, but it's the truth.
Each day reinforces the belief that the work we're doing at Heartstone Farm is vital.
Maybe it's my age, but at some point, I faced a simple truth: something's not right in the world.
It didn’t happen overnight, and that's part of the problem.
The world got busy, distracted, and somewhere along the way, we lost sight of something fundamental…
Where our food comes from, who’s growing it, and what’s in it.
What could be more important?
Yet, this necessity of life—the food we eat—has often taken a back seat to other concerns.
I’m astonished when I see what people consume every day without a second thought. The gas station near here sells processed foods and drinks—all with the same core ingredients: sugar, caffeine, and a bunch of chemicals. And that’s all they offer because that’s all people seem to want.
At Heartstone Farm, we’re trying to buck the tide. I believe that more and more folks are realizing, just like I did, that something isn’t right.
It’s food, for heaven’s sake. If you want to live a good, long life, nothing is more important than what you eat.
We’re farmers, doing our best to deliver meat that’s raised the way it used to be—humanely, without antibiotics and hormones, and processed locally.
We’ve partnered with other farmers who share our values and raise their meat with the same care and intention.
It’s important work. And every day, we’re encouraged by new customers finding their way to our website. They often send us emails that say things like, “I’ve been looking for a place like you guys.”
You don’t change things like this overnight.
But every day, I wake up and strive to make some progress—because it feels like it’s important.
Thanks for being part of this journey.
Farmer Dan
PS - If you feel the same way as I do about wanting to change the food supply chain, here’s how you can join our mission. We are offering supporters an opportunity to join us - as co-owners of Heartstone Farm. We’ve launched a “crowdfunding equity” campaign on StartEngine - and in just the first 10 days, 175 of our customers and supporters have become co-owners. If you’re interested in finding out more - please visit this link.

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